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What to Know About Posting Bail

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If you or a loved one ends up in jail, it’s a tough experience both emotionally and mentally. Here at Breaking Bad Bail Bonds we want to help the process go as smoothly as possible for you or your loved ones.

So here’s what you need to know about posting bail, how it helps you get out of jail, and the strings attached to the process.

Bail is guaranteed in the Constitution
In America, you’re considered innocent until proven guilty, which is why the Eighth Amendment (which governs bail) was written. However, the right to bail can be revoked if you have multiple offenses or are considered a serious danger to the community.

How does bail get you out of jail?
Bail is essentially an agreement between a defendant and a court wherein the defendant agrees to attend all their schedule court dates in exchange for paying the court a predetermined amount of money in order to be released from jail. Bail is usually set within 48 hours of an arrest. If you attend all your court hearings, you’ll receive your bail money back – even if you’re convicted of a crime.

What if I can’t pay my own bail?
This is where a bail bondsman can help you out. A bail bondsman can help you in finding ways to cover your full bail should the need ever arise. We have locations all across Utah and are ready to help you and your family during this trying time.

If you have questions, please give us a call at 888-767-8224 . We are always ready to help in any way we can.

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